Countdown to IronMan

Countdown to IronMan

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

From a Wife's Perspecitive....

Although there may not be anything I can physically do to help Rob with his training for his upcoming triathlon, I thought at least I could give him a break from writing his blog this week.  Plus this would give me the opportunity to share my thoughts on living with a triathlete in training….
Anyone who knows Rob, knows that when he puts his mind towards a goal he puts 200% into it.  When he first told me he was going to train for a full distance triathlon, there was no doubt in my mind that he would put every ounce of energy into it.  Knowing how little free time he already had between work, coaching, time with the kids and my honey-do-list, I wondered how he was going to fit in time to train.  Determined to make it work, Rob gets up most mornings by 4am (except his off day on Tuesdays) to start his work-outs.  I quickly realized that I had no room to complain when I was tired after my alarm went off hours later. 

I knew the kids and I would be in for some some adjustments during his training, but little did we know all the lessons we would learn along the way…
Lesson 1
Golf really isn't such an expensive sport after all! 
Lesson 2:
During training season, Dad gets tucked into bed before the kids.
Lesson 3
Fitting back into your acid washed Girbeu jeans from high school is infact possible; but doesn’t mean you should wear them out in public!  Not sure why he kept them in the first place?
Lesson 4:
GU packs can withstand the washing machine and the dryer, but I am not sure it is a good idea to consume after.
Lesson 5:
The headlight for his bike helmet comes in very handy during power outages.
Lesson 6:
You can never have too much Gatorade in the fridge. 
When on sale, by in bulk!
Lesson 7:
Even though the garage is perfectly fine for our cars, apparently the dining room is the most appropriate storage spot for his precious bike.

Lesson 8:
After 13 years of marriage you think you know someone, but Rob's music playlist was very surprising ...Katy Perry, Queen, Kesha and Danzig make for an interesting mix.
Lesson 9:
Never assume you’re the only one shaving your legs in the shower....and that your razor is in the same condition you left it.
Lesson 10:
Wearing compression socks to bed is cheaper than a vasectomy; and just as effective!
The hard work and dedication Rob has put into his training is truly amazing and last count he was up to over 3900 miles year to date.   With the race being a week away, there is no doubt that Rob is ready.  I am so proud of him for the example he has set for me and the kids: don’t be afraid to reach outside your comfort zone to set a new goal and the importance of practice and dedication if you want to excel.
Wanting to race with a purpose, Rob has raised almost $3,000 for pancreatic cancer research so far.  THANK YOU!!!  We pray that this money will help make a difference in the prevention/detection/cure for this disease.
Rob, we look forward to cheering you on and we know you will do great come race day!  We love you and will be looking forward to watch you run across that finish line!

-Wendy Skorupski

To donate please visit my fundraising site
Thank you in advance for your generosity for this worthy cause that is so important to me and my family!

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